How to Uninstall Apps on MacBook

Dwayne Malley By Dwayne Malley
3 Min Read

Managing applications on your MacBook is essential for maintaining optimal performance and maximizing storage space. Whether you’re tidying up your system or making room for new applications, knowing how to uninstall apps correctly is key. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through various methods to delete apps on your MacBook, along with tips for managing your storage efficiently.

Using Launchpad

  1. Open Launchpad: Click on the Launchpad icon in your dock or use the pinch gesture on your trackpad.
  2. Find the App: Locate the app you want to uninstall. Apps downloaded from the Mac App Store can be deleted directly from Launchpad.
  3. Hold and Delete: Click and hold on the app icon until it starts jiggling, then click the “X” icon that appears.
  4. Confirm Deletion: Click “Delete” in the confirmation dialog to remove the app and its associated files from your MacBook.

Using Finder

  1. Open Finder: Go to your Applications folder using Finder. You can also access applications from the sidebar in any Finder window.
  2. Locate the App: Find the app you want to uninstall in the Applications folder.
  3. Move to Trash: Drag the app icon to the Trash icon in the dock or right-click and select “Move to Trash.”
  4. Empty Trash: Right-click on the Trash icon and select “Empty Trash” to permanently delete the app and its files.

Using AppCleaner (Third-Party Tool)

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  1. Download and Install AppCleaner: Install AppCleaner from the developer’s website or the Mac App Store.
  2. Open AppCleaner: Launch AppCleaner and allow it to scan your Applications folder for installed apps.
  3. Select Apps: Check the box next to the apps you want to uninstall.
  4. Delete Selected Apps: Click on the “Remove” button to uninstall the selected apps along with associated files identified by AppCleaner.

Tips for Managing Storage on MacBook

  • Regular Cleanups: Periodically review and uninstall apps you no longer use to free up storage space.
  • Check Application Support: Some apps may leave behind files in other locations. Use Finder’s search feature to locate and delete these files.
  • Use Storage Management: macOS includes built-in tools like “About This Mac” > “Storage” to help you identify large files and apps taking up space.


Knowing how to uninstall apps on your MacBook is essential for maintaining performance and managing storage efficiently. Whether you prefer using Launchpad, Finder, or third-party tools like AppCleaner, regularly cleaning up your applications ensures your MacBook runs smoothly and has ample space for new apps and files.

By following these methods and tips, you can effectively manage your MacBook’s applications and optimize its performance for a seamless user experience.

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